Sunday, October 7, 2012


I got my macro lens!
I am very excited to explore the possibilities for this series with my other lens.
As I was printing my shots our for mid critique I have already realised what i do and do not like.
I am definitely going to fill my grid in... reducing negative space between images.
And tweak some more color balances.
Not sure if the color was on me or the printer--- but im going with it being an user error.

I think that this week exposed me to lots of new art, concepts and possibilities to incorporate into my artwork.

From going on our field trip to the galleries and from my personal field trip to Flux.
I loved going to the galleries and getting a behind the scene look at what gallery owners really do and how they decide what art will be incorporated into what show.
It was also interesting to  me that the 3rd floor was storage... and not as tightly as i would expect it to be.

** i was very tempted to take a Jill Greenburg home with me that day**

It must be amazing to surround yourself with brilliant (and not so brilliant) art work on a day to day basis, allowing you to view and experience so many ins and outs of the gallery arts world.

Flux was ...a bit over the top for me.
To me, allot of the works presented either didn't interest me or were over the top.
"Over the top" in the sense that i felt like one of the "outsiders" saying "artist are weird, and this doesnt make sense"

On the other hand I truly enjoyed seeing our fellow SCAD'ian presenting some brilliant and unique works.
Standing in the middle of the room with beautiful voices in  orchastra in collaboration with nostalgic imagery was a very powerful moment.

I am excited to see what else I will be exposed to within the next few weeks. 
SCAD has already in the past 6 weeks thrown sooo much new information and unique art in my face,,, its no wonder that students walk out after two years as a completely differnt artist and art critic.

1 comment:

  1. One of the most exciting things for me since arriving here in Atlanta generally and SCAD specifically, is the incredible quantity and quality of art I can experience. The more we see, the more inspiration we can bring to our own work.
