Saturday, September 15, 2012

Project Proposal

Project Proposal for Oral Fixation

          This semester I am interested in further exploring my previous interests. This includes close up shots of the human form, specifically focusing on the mouth, and exploring different perspectives of it. I’m interested how the mouth functions as scientific necessity to life, as well as an arousing and pleasurable characteristic of the human form. I’m interested in exploring different options of composition with this series. I foresee this being presented in a grid format similar to my previous series “Structure”. The size of these individual images could be any where from 4X5 to larger depending on how many shots make the final cut. The grid will either consist of a combination of compositional images or in a uniform fashion of tight frontal documentary shots.
            I want these images to include as many different features as possible. Including different ages, genders, nationalities, foods, liquids, facial features, and emotions. I expect this series to be in saturated color ultimately presented to have a certain type of vibrant consistency flowing through the final piece. Technically I think this series will have studio time, including make up and other props. I hope to use a combination of shooting with a macro lens and an 18-55 mm lens. Lighting will consist of external flashes mixed with natural light. I believe this series will not only become visually stimulating but mentally fascinating as a study between an individuals need (scientific) and want (recreational) of the mouths role. I was inspired to do this series by the works of Marylin Minters Pink and Green Caviar, and De Kooning’s abstract painting “Woman 1” who speaks of the “T-zone”.


1 comment:

  1. Saw this and thought about mouths and the first day of class when you said you wanted to make beautiful things.
